Microsoft Teams provides an integration with Microsoft Viva, which schedules daily check-ins to record your perception of your mental state. Once a day, at 4pm, I get a notification that asks me to select one of five emojis that reflects how I feel.

Clearly, the last few weeks have not been particularly excellent, but I’m not sure what the value of this type of check-in or chart provides. We can come up with reasonable estimates of our own satisfaction with our work. I frequently journal, and I believe that the self-reflection forced through written inquiries gives way to a better sense of being, rather than an even shorter point-in-time indicator with almost no ambiguity.

Our days are composed of moments, and for most, are each filled with a wide range of emotions. This survey, given in the morning, likely would see different results as I start the day less stressed. Near the end of the day, I am likely thinking about all the tasks that remain undone.

What is the natural evolution of work software that attempts to summarize work habits? What are the aspects that I would find valuable to improve my productivity? It is hard to beat the simplicity of a well-kept task list. I can’t say I look much beyond the satisfaction of checking off tasks each day.

That said, some analytics and productivity features I would like to see:

  • I would be curious about intelligent time use measures during meetings. For example, what percent of time during meetings am I speaking, or not paying attention and doing another task? A small note on requested recurring meetings that states “you usually don’t speak during this meeting. Consider reading the meeting notes after,” or something similar.

  • Better email management and task linking would be extremely helpful - grouping emails, creating and resolving tasks, etc. A log of what I completed each day, stored and aggregated locally on my computer, that I could track over time would be great as well, e.g., if VSCode notes I edit a code file with name “file_x”, and push it to a remote repository, then my daily summary could note “Spent 1 hour editing file_x and pushed to remote”, along with “replied to 6 emails on new dashboard, notes on proposed analysis,” etc.

  • The new OCR integrated into the screen snip software is excellent, and I use it very frequently. More like this! Better copy and paste of tables would be great.

  • Improved auto-complete, similar to GitHub Copilot.

  • Better voice support. The new Windows 11 Voice Access needs lots of work.

Overall, I am less interested in my work software trying to identify and improve my emotional mindset, and more on streamlining how I work.